Heart to Heart with Missy, Prince and Rodrigo
by Brigitte Noel, M.Ms.
Horses, like most animals, address our spirit in the most simple and profound manner. Most of the time our equine companions strive to communicate with us as we interact with them. Sometimes, the conventional line of communication breaks down and the horse and the rider find themselves at odds. Since the quality of the relationship depends on solid emotional compatibility and mutual understanding, both rider and horse can experience increasing levels of stress when things don’t go smoothly.
Riders can use words and language to express themselves and explain their point of view, but what about horses? The field of animal communication or animal telepathy provides a solution to this age old dilemma. Horses do not have words but they certainly have thoughts, feelings and emotions. The animal communicator ( a thought, feelings and emotions interpreter) translates the horses point of view into words, so that both the rider and the horse benefit from the information.
This is what a backyard pony, Missy, has to share about being schooled for shows:
Missy: “All this came too soon, all this came too roughly, all this came because I had to satisfy a purpose. No one got to know me first; no one took the time. Even now I feel the purpose is stronger then the Being. This is very hurtful to me.”
A sensitive new owner wants to know more about the background of a large fifteen year old quarter horse finds out:
Prince: “I have had many owners you know. More than the little one thinks. They have not told her all. I have always been an intermediate horse and always sold as an intermediate horse.”
Q. Does that bother you?
Prince: “Yes and no. I have served my purpose, but now I would like to retire. I would like to come to an agreement with the little one. She is quite lovely you know.”
A former Mexican Ranch horse, Rodrigo, a bit of a handful for his new woman person, shares his perspective on what he expects of a rider:
Rodrigo: “You see, I have been taught to do…to do exactly what a person wants of me. I have been taught to surrender to the spur. In a way that is easy. I have had no complaints, no complaints. I prefer men. Men are less complicated.”
Q. What goes on with a woman?
Rodrigo: “They think too much, they ask questions I’m not used to that, it makes me feel insecure. To me, sensitive is insecure.”
Animals experience our world but they see it from a different angle and report from a different perspective. The art and finesse of animal communication lies in receiving information as it is communicated: in thoughts, feelings and emotion, without editing. The information becomes the inspiration for focused and effective changes where and when they are needed. Sometimes, in the name of harmony, we negotiate acceptable compromises with all parties involved.
After having experienced this unique quality of interaction, most people report a heightened sense of awareness of their horse’s needs, nature and spirit. An awareness of that translates into positive and rewarding contact with their most special equine friend and by extension, better horsemanship.
Author’s Note: The lives of each of the horses quoted above changed to their benefit. Missy found a more compatible environment. Prince, Rodrigo and their respective people found common ground for the start of great relationships. A most reliable source revealed that Prince had changed hands seven times.
(The horses have been renamed to protect their privacy.)
Published in Southern California Riding Magazine.