Calendar / Workshops


Workshops are not being offered at the present time.


LoveLink Level I*

Cost $225 per person
*Bring photographs of your special animal friend for hands-on practice.
One per participant.


Level One course material presents and explains telepathic communication and Brigitte’s simple approach with a Q.A. segment.

Lunch 45 minutes in peaceful setting


Personalized tutoring and application of the information:
Each participant will work with an animal unknown to them and be individually coached by Brigitte. You will begin identifying the nature of your personal telepathic ability. The group synergy increases the learning experience for everyone. The experience is fun and exhilarating.

LoveLink Level II*

Cost $225 per person
(Includes handouts, notebook, and refreshments.)


Level Two, Review of theory. Participants are then invited to share their telepathic practice results with the group. Identify your unique form of telepathic abilities based on hands on experience. Brigitte assists and trouble shoots.

Lunch 45 minutes in peaceful setting


Intermediate Personalized Tutoring. Experiental sessions with photos. Practice, practice….Each participant is tutored on their own personal telepathic style and works with as many as fifteen separate animals. A tapestry of fascinating information is woven for each animal as each partipant provides their input.

LoveLink Level III**

9:30 AM to 4:30PM
Cost $225 per person or $195 if taking all 3 workshops.
(Includes any handouts, parking fee and refreshements.)
*Bring photographs of your special animal friend for hands-on practice.

Telepathic Jam Session!

This is the workshop for everyone who wants to practice and refine their abilities in a closely monitored group.

Participants are invited to share their insights and “aha!” moments for the benefit of the group. Then Brigitte facilitates and teaches the curriculum created by the animals participating through their photos. Each person is coached and interperative skills are honed. The pace of the third level is quick and lively. We spread our wings and soar to new heights.
Energy snacks provided!

Location of workshops will be posted
Call (619)295-5504 Today to reserve your seat.

*Pre-requisite any Level 1 you have attended.
**Pre-requisite any Level 2.

Please bring light bag lunch to all workshops.

LoveLink with the Otherside.

Time and date to be determined….
Please call if you are interested in attending this workshop.
Call (619)295-5504 Today to sign up. (Visa/MC)

A Joyful, Life Affirming day
for you and your animals living in spirit.
Workshop will be posted.

Great workshop for those who have lost a beloved animal and would like to connect in spirit form with them. Bring a photograph.

  • Learn how to smoothly connect with animals in spirit form.
  • Get any relevant messages for yourself at the present time.
  • Learn what to look for and do when they come and “visit” after they have transitioned.
  • Learn about transition and re-incarnation from real case studies.